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Morehead, KY - Furnace & Air Conditioning Service, Repair & Maintenance Contractor

Kelley Mechanical serves Morehead's Heating and Cooling needs!

Please call us today at 859-271-1113 to consult with our home comfort specialist.


About Morehead, KY - Happy to be your hometown Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor!

Let Our Experts Assist With Your Commercial Heating And Cooling Needs In Morehead, KY

Heating, ventilating, and air equipment perform the job of heating and cooling buildings. HVAC systems may also be responsible for providing fresh outdoor air to dilute interior airborne contaminants such as odors from occupants. A professionally designed and well-maintained system will keep the indoor environment comfortable year-round. Kelley Mechanical provides a trained professional to assist you in the selection of the proper equipment for your business in Morehead, KY

Contact Kelley Mechanical To Learn About Saving Money With Commercial HVAC Maintenance In Morehead, KY

Reducing Costs is imperative when running a business. You certainly wouldn’t want to add high energy bills to that endless list of expenses. Preventative commercial HVAC maintenance can lower energy costs from 5 to 40 percent. Weakening parts due to poor maintenance not only shortens the lifespan of the equipment but will lead to it working harder to accomplish its purpose. Contact Kelley Mechanical to discuss a plan for maintenance.

Ready For Maintenance For A Commercial HVAC System In Morehead, KY

The Biggest benefit to commercial HVAC maintenance is elongating the lifespan of each component. Because their functions intertwine, one bad actor ruins the show. The biggest issue with malfunctioning HVAC parts is that they put extra stress on the heating or cooling unit to perform. This issue, combined with regular wear and tear, significantly shortens the lifespan of your commercial HVAC unit by 8 to 15 years. Contact Kelley Mechanical today to set up your maintenance plan.