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Owensboro, KY - Furnace & Air Conditioning Service, Repair & Maintenance Contractor

Kelley Mechanical serves Owensboro's Heating and Cooling needs!

Please call us today at 859-271-1113 to consult with our home comfort specialist.


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Benjamin K.
Installing A High Efficiency Heat Recovery Carrier/Toshiba VRF.

About Owensboro, KY - Happy to be your hometown Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor!

Heating And Cooling A Small Business In Owensboro

Some heating systems and air conditioners are more effective in larger buildings, and a one-room space may benefit from a different system than a building with many small areas. Contact Kelley Mechanical to assist you in the choice of an HVAC system. There are many factors to consider such as building design and energy efficiency. Contact Kelley Mechanical to guide you in the selection process.

Kelley Mechanical Is A Heating And Cooling Professional That Can Diagnose Your Needs In Owensboro

A single-split HVAC system has one compressor, an evaporator coil, a furnace, and a refrigerant.

Single-spilt systems are not designed for larger buildings with multiple rooms. Because they heat and cool individual rooms, single split systems are effective air conditioning solutions for smaller commercial buildings and server rooms. Kelley Mechanical can service and install a single split system in your commercial building. They can also advise if this system is the correct option for your business.

Kelley Mechanical Local Expert For Your Commercial HVAC System In Owensboro

Heat pumps are among the most efficient heating and cooling systems in the market: they can match or surpass the efficiency of a chiller in cooling mode, and in most cases, they can provide space heating with less than 40% of the energy consumption of a resistance heater. Kelley Mechanical can answer your questions about what is best for your business.