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Shepherdsville, KY - Furnace & Air Conditioning Service, Repair & Maintenance Contractor

Kelley Mechanical serves Shepherdsville's Heating and Cooling needs!

Please call us today at 859-271-1113 to consult with our home comfort specialist.


About Shepherdsville, KY - Happy to be your hometown Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor!

Heating Or Cooling Issues With Your Building HVAC-Contact Kelley Mechanical For Service

Your commercial HVAC system could be making an entire symphony of noises. These should be taken as auditory indications that there are issues. Possible noises include but aren’t limited to - squeaking due to a lack of lubricant in the motor, vibration from an unbalanced fan, thudding from an encumbered fan, rattling from the blower or because of loose ducts, buzzing or hissing due to a refrigerant leak, booming from a pilot light failing to ignite the furnace, whistling from a boiler meaning there is trapped air or a blockage. Contact Kelley Mechanical for service in Shepherdsville, KY

Kelley Mechanical - We Are Here For Your Commercial HVAC Needs

Residential and commercial HVAC systems are very different regarding structure and complexity. Commercial systems are created to be more flexible depending on the type of business or establishment, the number of employees and customers using the building and if the system will be used continuously. For these reasons contact Kelley Mechanical in Shepherdsville, KY for the expertise required to determine the correct system for your commercial application.

Contact Kelley Mechanical To Learn About Saving Money With Commercial HVAC Maintenance In Shepherdsville , KY

Reducing Costs is imperative when running a business. You certainly wouldn’t want to add high energy bills to that endless list of expenses. Preventative commercial HVAC maintenance can lower energy costs from 5 to 40 percent. Weakening parts due to poor maintenance not only shortens the lifespan of the equipment but will lead to it working harder to accomplish its purpose. Contact Kelley Mechanical to discuss a plan for maintenance.